Course Requirements:
You can take our online Childbirth & Parenting classes from the comfort from your home. They cover everything from planning a baby, giving birth, postpartum healing to parenting to help new parents feel a little more prepared.
Get the knowledge and encouragement you need to feel more confident and in control starting today.
State the course fees which is missing in the text.
You have a maximum of 2 years to complete all course requirements. You may finish earlier as well. There is no minimum time limit. Candidate must be at least 18 years of age.
Be a member of CAPPA.
Attend a CAPPA Childbirth Educator Training Workshop.
Read the Manual and the required books from the CAPPA Reading list.
Observe a childbirth education class designed for parents at least 10 hours in length. The class must be taught by a child birth educator currently certified by CAPPA, LAMAZE or ICEA.
Observe a breast feeding class designed for parents taught by an IBCLC, CLC or CLE with proof of attendance.
Observe a local new born care class designed for parents.
Complete a total of 2 student teaching hours with a certified instructor.
Observe two labors / births totaling at least 10 hours.
Create a resource list with information on local support for parents.
Complete an essay / research paper as assigned by your mentor.
Pass the multiple choice exam and essays. An 85% passing grade is required.
In order for candidates to be eligible for CAPPA certification they must sign and agree to the following forms; Code of Conduct and Social Media Policy, Grievance Policy, Mission Statement, CAPPA Approach / Philosophy Statement, Vision Statement and Scope of Practice.
Course Fee:/ (Includes – One year CAPPA International Membership, Certification Packet, Manual, Workshop Fee & Mentor Fee. (It does not include the cost of the reading books.)
For Registration and more details contact [email protected], call: 0091-8976358267
Training & Workshops
Exercise & Pregnancy go hand in hand. Regular exercise in pregnancy has a lot of benefits. Regular…
Train to be able to offer Prenatal & Postnatal fitness sessions
A Birth Professional training to be able to teach Parents all about Childbirth