Itaque earum rerum hic tenetur

Itaque earum rerum hic tenetur

Itaque earum rerum hic tenetur

Itaque earum rerum hic tenetur
Prenatal, Postal Pregnancy Program, Birth support, Lactation support, Baby weaning, Toddler Nutrition, Parenting Workshops
Pre-registration forms from the hospital: it’s nice to have these filled out as much as possible, so you’re not worrying about it in your critical time.
Things for Mommy:
For use during Labor: (pack these in a separate bag from your suitcase, which may not be handy
during labor)
• Chapstick or lip gloss
• Toothbrush
• Warm socks
• Powder or lotion for massage
• A watch / mobile phone to time contractions
• Beverage can / rolling pin for rolling pressure on back
• Snacks (khakra, nuts, dryfruits, juice, etc) for yourself and Partner (if allowed)
• Hard candy/gum: mom’s mouth can get dry at times, so having mint gum or hard candies or lollipops around will help put moisture back in your mouth.
• Books / magazines: there may be downtime before and after the birth of the baby. This isn’t an essential item, but it could be a great way to keep your mind occupied.
• Relaxing music
• Nightgown or robe, slippers – if it’s allowed by the hospital, it’s always nice to be comfortable in your own clothes, especially after giving birth to your baby.
• Nursing bra: this is a great way to support swollen, tender breasts.
• Nursing pillow: these can be used whether you are breast feeding or bottle feeding; either way they reduce the strain on your arms, neck, and back when feeding your baby.
• Toiletries: this could include things like hair ties, toothbrush, toothpaste (for you and your partner), deodorant, soap, cosmetics and sanitary pads. You won’t know how long you’ll be there until that time has come.
• Socks: pack extra socks. Hospitals are cold, and you don’t want to run out of socks if you’re going to be in the hospital for a few days.
• Pillow’s from home: it’s nice to have familiar things with you in such an unfamiliar environment. Also you will need plenty of pillows during labor, to help you change positions and use them as support while leaning over or resting in between contractions.
• Reading and Writing material
• Going home clothes and shoes
Things for baby:
1. Diapers, Nappies, Cotton wool / wipes: Take along either disposable or cloth newborn diapers with you.
2. Clothes – Jhabla / onesies
3. Swaddle cloth
4. Outfit to go home: bring home your baby in his or her first outfit.
5. Hat: babies lose most of their internal heat through their head. Having a little knitted hat or beanie is perfect to keep the warmth in.
6. Booties or socks: bring some booties or socks for your baby.
7. Receiving blanket: newborns love to be wrapped up tightly in a warm blanket, especially right after birth.
Things for your better half:
1. Change of clothes:
2. Toiletries: toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, and soap are great to bring along.
3. Snacks: again, you won’t know how long you’ll be there until that time comes. Having plenty of snacks around can occupy you while you’re waiting.
4. Video and cameras: mom’s counting on you to document the moments. Make sure you bring extra batteries, film, tapes, and chargers.
5. Baby book: to put your baby’s first footprints and handprints in this book to help get you started.
6. Music & Speakers: soothing music will help mom and you before and after the birth.
7. Massage oils: labor classes recommend the use of massage oils because they can help alleviate back pain. Mom will love you for it, too.
Things for siblings
Crayons, markers, coloring books, and toys: you may end up spending more time at the hospital than you originally thought. These are great tools to help siblings pass the time before they get to see their new brother or sister.
A gift: its a great idea to give the sibling a gift saying its given by the new baby. This helps to get the relationship started on a positive and happy note, especially when the first child is not over 5 years old. It could be a book or anything small which the older child will love. Now that you have your bag ready, you can focus on all the amazing experiences that await you, like holding your baby for the first time. All the best!!!
• Changing Table
• Car Seat
• Trolley for keeping baby clothes
• Soft front pack for baby carrier
• Carriage or stroller
• Liquid crocin
• Thermometer
• Baby nail clippers
• Massage oil or lotion
• Lots of small napkins
Seema Kazi Rangnekar, CCCE, CPFE, CLE, USA Trademark & Copyright 2023
Samã Birthing & Beyond, Bungalow no. 1, Jukar Marg, Juhu, Near Silver Beach café, Mumbai 400049,
Mobile: 09821619718, Email: [email protected], Website: www.samabirthingandbeyond.com, Facebook: www.facebook/samabirthing&beyond, Instagram/YouTube: samabirthing
Prenatal, Postal Pregnancy Program, Birth support, Lactation support, Baby weaning, Toddler Nutrition, Parenting Workshops
Baby Essentials – Absolute Essential of what your Baby will need:
• A cot
• A nest
• 4 sheets
• Covering sheets
• 2-4 waterproof shields for the cot mattress (also for your own bed mattress)
• 36 Nappies (buy 10 newborn size, 10 3-6 months size, remaining 6+ months)
• 1 pack Newborn Disposable Diapers
• 8 waterproof nappies (eg Super bottoms / Bumberry)
• Cotton wool / Baby wipes for cleaning baby
• Nappy pail for putting soiled nappies
• Nappy Rash cream (Sudo cream / Desitin)
• Padded Changing Mat
• A Bath chair and tub
• 3 Bath towels
• Toiletries – Baby body & Hair wash, Body lotion
• 12 Jhablas (Buy a few in Newborn and few for 3-6 months, should be front open)
• 12 Swaddle cloths
• 4-5 Body suit (full with feet covered)
• 2-3 pairs Socks & Hat (Newborn babies are unable to regulate their body temperature well. Hence it is important to cover their heads and feet in both hot and cold weather.)
• 2-3 pairs Cotton Gloves: Babies have long nails and can scratch themselves, gloves will prevent this from happening.
• 2-3 Hand towels: will be useful in wiping spit ups while burping your baby and protect your clothes as well.
• Baby clothes washing mild powder
Other Equipment:
• Baby thermometer (Ear and Mercury both)
• Baby Medicines (Take a prescription from your Paedriatician)
• Baby Nail clippers
• Cold pressed Massage oil (Coconut / Almond etc)
• Changing Table (If you have the space, a changing table with a cushioned changing pad will prove very useful for changing your baby over the next couple of months. You can convert and use an existing table as a changing table, however make sure you have a railing or safety strap, so that at no point your baby is in danger of falling. Alternatively you can use a changing plastic mat on your bed or floor as and when needed.
• Car seat
• Pram
• A baby bag
• Feeding bottles (optional) If you are bottle feeding your baby, you will need 6 to 8 bottles and a bottle brush to clean them. You will need to sterilize them either on the gas in boiling water, microwave or in an electric sterilizer.
• Mosquito net (to cover your baby’s cot and one for your baby’s pram to protect your baby from mosquitoes.)
• Sweater, woolen caps, vest, booties
Baby’s room
Your baby’s room should be clean, have natural sunshine coming in and be free of any clutter. Some of the things you need for your baby’s room include:
• Baby wardrobe
• A comfortable nursing chair
• Nightlight
• Baby monitor
• Baby swing or bouncer
• White Noise machine / spare phone
All your baby’s clothing, bed covers, etc should be cotton and washed well before use.
New Mommy’s Essentials:
• 3 to 5 Nursing Bras
• 3 Sleeping Bras
• Nursing Reusable Pads / soft napkins
• Nursing pillow
• Maternity wear
• Pregnancy support belt
• Nipple cream
• Breast Pump
Seema Kazi Rangnekar, CCCE, CPFE, CLE, USA Trademark & Copyright 2023
Samã Birthing & Beyond, Bungalow no. 1, Jukar Marg, Juhu, Near Silver Beach café, Mumbai 400049,
Mobile: 09821619718, Email: [email protected], Website: www.samabirthingandbeyond.com, Facebook: www.facebook/samabirthing&beyond, Instagram/YouTube: samabirthing
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